We See Her, Do You?
Help Us Help Her Today.

Going where no one wants to go.

With a highly trained team of Afghan allies who worked for the US and NATO, our team is on the ground handling the most difficult situations for those who need critical care. We focus on urgent medical care for women and children.

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  • Our Vision

    To minimize children's suffering due to political activities and insufficient international engagement. Having one less child go to bed hungry does make the world a better place for tomorrow.

  • Who We Are

    Founded by a community activist with more than 20 years advocating for Muslims in war zones, Ms. Merriman is committed to help those who are overlooked.

    Our diverse team has directly worked with and served communites in multiple nations in conflict with severe humanitarian crises.

    Focusing on women and children's aid, we believe community work needs to be community supported and represented by those in the community.

    Our organization is comprised of a wide range of people in the US and abroad with expertise in health care.

  • Our Values

    Commitment to serve people in need regardless of their faith or ethnicity.

    Courage to provide care in unsafe and unstable conflict zones.

    Compassion for those who have suffered unspeakable loss and never exploit our clients for attention.

© 2022 Our Culture is Giving, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
All images on this site are property of Our Culture is Giving and all rights are reserved.

Our Culture is Giving is a 501(c)(3) organization. Federal Tax ID 88-4124151